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This project is supported by a grant from All Children Thrive


Did you know that Pomona has only one-third the amount of green space per person compared to the Los Angeles County average?  And that average isn’t even very high – many cities in the county have way more green spaces and parks than we do!


Pomona Parks

Parks are essential for our well-being!  They are a place where we can exercise and stay fit, spend time with our family and friends, and feel connected to nature.  Having access to places of natural beauty is so important to our mental as well as physical health!


Your Voice Matters!

Pomona’s Promise wants to gather the opinions of high-school-age youth and family members to get their views on parks and green spaces in Pomona

What do you like to do in parks, what is positive about Pomona’s parks, what is not so great, what we’ve seen in parks in other cities that we’d like to have in Pomona, what improvements we’d like to see in our parks, and what policies regarding green spaces we think our city should have.


In order to gather as many opinions as possible, we are conducting a survey, which you can access at 
This survey has been put together by a team of 20 of your peers from high schools all over Pomona.  By taking the survey, you’ll be entered in a raffle with 20 great prizes available.

©2022 Pomona's Promise

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